
The Peace Testimony

 The Peace Testimony aligns well with today's Advice #2 that was read after Meeting: Be faithful in maintaining thy testimony against all war as inconsistent with the Spirit and teaching of Christ. Live in the Life and Power that takes away the occasions of all wars and strife.  Seek to take thy  part in the ministry of reconciliation between individuals,  groups, and nations. Let the law of kindness know no limit. Show a loving consideration for all people.

The Peace Testimony:

It is our profound belief that the people of the world desire peace, but we do not believe it can be achieved through a policy of military strength or political action. Peace will only be built when people seek to solve their common problems in a spirit of reconciliation and national humility remembering their common Creator and totally giving up narrow national or regional interests in favor of the good of all men. We must act with love and forbearance, forgiveness; trusting in God and His Spirit working in all persons as true followers of Jesus Christ,  the Prince of Peace.

In a statement presented to the King of England in 1660, Friends declared: " The Spirit of Christ by which we are guided is not changeable, so as once to command us from a thing as evil, and again  to move into it; as we certainly do know and testify to the world that the Spirit of Christ,  which leads us into all truth, will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the Kingdom of Christ nor the Kingdoms of this world."

The Peace Testimony posted above is part of "A Brief Introduction to the Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)" . The goal of this information was a pamphlet that visitors could obtain when attending Meeting.  It is a great summary of Quaker worship and how it is unique from other denominations. Access to the 4 pages is available via: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G-X5AQ7qHtyOTZRstMIxXMr34KfVDBFR?usp=share_link

Note: We will have Monthly Meeting next First Day, 6/9/24.

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