
Living A-Top of the World

I picked up the booklet "Living A-Top of the World" by Charles P. Morlan at Middleton Meeting last year. It is a booklet that I read through in entirety and now continue to re-read sections as part of my daily devotions. One passage recently stood out to me. I thought I would share it:

"But what must we do to possess this dynamic faith? We must first choose to want it. ' Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness' for they shall be filled.' Faith is a quality which we use constantly in the activities of everyday living.". I hope this gives readers something to ponder on this beautiful day. 

Information about  Ohio Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Conservative) can be found here: OYM or https://ohioyearlymeeting.org/. Better yet,  join us in person for worship on Fifth Day (Thursday) at 3pm and/or on First Day (Sunday) at 10:30am.


Affiliate Member of Middleton Meeting

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