
"The Fundamental Principle of Quaker Spirituality: Light in the Conscience"

 For those who were unable to attend David Johnson's in person presentation on 8/14 at Salem Meeting, here is a presentation on YouTube titled "The Fundamental Principle of Quaker Spirituality: Light in the Conscience" . This short video discusses his research and understanding of the writings of the early Friends.

Click on this link to be taken to the YouTube video:

Interview with Author, David Johnson

Please join us on Fifth Day (Thursday) at 3:00pm and/or First Day (Sunday) at 10:30am. All visitors and members are welcome!


EVENT 8/14: Quaker Spirituality- Learn What We Are Conserving

 Event on 8/14 @ 6:30pm: Salem (OH) Meeting House

David Johnson, a Conservative Friend (Quaker) from Australia will describe the context and rise of the First Quakers in the mid 1600's and their spirituality which challenged and changed the culture around them. We will read some early Quaker writings, which describe their experiences of silent worship and the Light of Christ which guided them into a life of deep reliance upon God.

David's talk will fill a time of waiting worship beginning at 6:30pm at Salem Friends Meeting House on 8/14. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. All are welcome!

Address: Salem Friends Meeting House  350 East Sixth Street Salem, Ohio