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Middleton Meeting received this from Wil Brant, a Member of Crossroads Meeting and new Editor of The Conservative Friend:
After a few years hiatus, publication of The Conservative Friend is returning and a new website has been created: theconservativefriend.org. Wil Brant (Crossroads) is serving as editor.
This current rendition will be primarily an electronic publication with articles of an issue being posted on website. These articles/issues posted over the course of year will be compiled and printed in an annual edition of The Conservative Friend.Individuals can go to the Subscribe page on the website to sign-up to be notified when a new electronic issue has been posted or to express an interest in receiving an annual print copy.
Note: People on the mailing list when it was last used in 2020 will be receiving next week an email or letter regarding this also.
Submissions of articles whose content is in the manner of Conservative Friends can be considered for publication.
Types of content include:
• Reflective/inspirational
• Historical text
• Bible exploration/reflection
• Historical text exploration/reflection
• Conservative Quaker thought exploration/reflection
• Highlighting an individual's or meeting’s work/ministry/spiritual journey
A regular article runs about 400-650 words (~1 page), and a feature article about 800-1000 words (~2 pages). Shorter one paragraph ministry/reflection excerpts are also excepted for consideration.
Submission information/contact is on the About/Contact TCF page on the website or sent to editor@theconservativefriend.org