
This week's Advice

 We believe the custom of regularly reading aloud well-chosen advices has been of value to our members in stimulating their spiritual life. It is directed that each of the following Advices be read in our meetings, at least once in the year, according to a regular plan, and that the time for reading them be chosen to benefit as many of the members as possible. At Middleton Meeting, we read an Advice on First Day. This week we considered the 19th Advice:

"Be zealous that education shall be continued throughout life. Willingness to be used in mind as well as in body, and to be equipped in both, is a needful part of Christian character. Our service to God is incomplete without the contribution of the intellect."

To read the other Advices, please visit: https://ohioyearlymeeting.org/ and link to Life in Christ tab.


"The Fundamental Principle of Quaker Spirituality: Light in the Conscience"

 For those who were unable to attend David Johnson's in person presentation on 8/14 at Salem Meeting, here is a presentation on YouTube titled "The Fundamental Principle of Quaker Spirituality: Light in the Conscience" . This short video discusses his research and understanding of the writings of the early Friends.

Click on this link to be taken to the YouTube video:

Interview with Author, David Johnson

Please join us on Fifth Day (Thursday) at 3:00pm and/or First Day (Sunday) at 10:30am. All visitors and members are welcome!


EVENT 8/14: Quaker Spirituality- Learn What We Are Conserving

 Event on 8/14 @ 6:30pm: Salem (OH) Meeting House

David Johnson, a Conservative Friend (Quaker) from Australia will describe the context and rise of the First Quakers in the mid 1600's and their spirituality which challenged and changed the culture around them. We will read some early Quaker writings, which describe their experiences of silent worship and the Light of Christ which guided them into a life of deep reliance upon God.

David's talk will fill a time of waiting worship beginning at 6:30pm at Salem Friends Meeting House on 8/14. Light refreshments will be served following the presentation. All are welcome!

Address: Salem Friends Meeting House  350 East Sixth Street Salem, Ohio


No Peace for Friends: Independence Day

 A member of Middleton Meeting visited the National Park Service site Guilford Courthouse near Greensboro, NC. The following image was on an educational display that highlights the hurdles that Friends have had to endure to ensure that peace remains at the center of our  beliefs.  More information on the Quakers and this NPS site can be found by clicking here: Quakers at Guilford Courthouse

The following is an excerpt from the Ohio Yearly Meeting Brief Synopsis of our faith. The entire synopsis can be found on the Ohio Yearly Meeting website (https://ohioyearlymeeting.org/our-faith/) or by clicking here: Brief Synopsis of our faith

"Perhaps that testimony of our Society, best known to the world, and the one that has brought it most conspicuously into public notice, in this country, is the one against war and bloodshed. For two hundred and fifty years, the Religious Society of Friends, has borne testimony, not only against war, but against the spirit of war, as well, until now the foremost statesmen and jurists of the world, weary of its record of violence and inhumanity, are looking to The Hague Tribunal, in the hope, that ere long a legal court of arbitral justice may be established competent to settle all international disputes, that cannot be adjusted by diplomacy. It is no time, however, for Friends to withdraw from the advanced ground we occupy, as followers of the Prince Of Peace! The whole trend of the Savior's teaching is in opposition to all war! What could be more comprehensive in its scope, what more clear and definite, than his words, as recorded in Matthew, (V. 43-45.) "Ye have heard that it hath been said Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven." 

A Christian is defined as "A disciple, or follower of Christ. One whose profession and life conform to the teaching and example of Christ." 

Does the life of the soldier, who kills his fellow men, or the man who condones or justifies, or applauds the killing, conform to the teaching, or example of our Savior, the Prince of Peace? Certainly we can imagine nothing more at variance with the gospel plan, than the hatred and violence of war!! 

As we submit our hearts to the dominion of Christ, he will so fill them with love to him and to each other, that there will be no place for hatred, malice, and those other evil passions that precede, and accompany the spirit of strife and war, but we will rather become peace-makers, who are to become the "Children of God." (Matt. V, 9.)"


The Peace Testimony

 The Peace Testimony aligns well with today's Advice #2 that was read after Meeting: Be faithful in maintaining thy testimony against all war as inconsistent with the Spirit and teaching of Christ. Live in the Life and Power that takes away the occasions of all wars and strife.  Seek to take thy  part in the ministry of reconciliation between individuals,  groups, and nations. Let the law of kindness know no limit. Show a loving consideration for all people.

The Peace Testimony:

It is our profound belief that the people of the world desire peace, but we do not believe it can be achieved through a policy of military strength or political action. Peace will only be built when people seek to solve their common problems in a spirit of reconciliation and national humility remembering their common Creator and totally giving up narrow national or regional interests in favor of the good of all men. We must act with love and forbearance, forgiveness; trusting in God and His Spirit working in all persons as true followers of Jesus Christ,  the Prince of Peace.

In a statement presented to the King of England in 1660, Friends declared: " The Spirit of Christ by which we are guided is not changeable, so as once to command us from a thing as evil, and again  to move into it; as we certainly do know and testify to the world that the Spirit of Christ,  which leads us into all truth, will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the Kingdom of Christ nor the Kingdoms of this world."

The Peace Testimony posted above is part of "A Brief Introduction to the Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)" . The goal of this information was a pamphlet that visitors could obtain when attending Meeting.  It is a great summary of Quaker worship and how it is unique from other denominations. Access to the 4 pages is available via: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G-X5AQ7qHtyOTZRstMIxXMr34KfVDBFR?usp=share_link

Note: We will have Monthly Meeting next First Day, 6/9/24.


Happy Spring!

 “These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor, execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates; And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false oath; for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord.” Zachariah 8:16- 17

Monthly Meeting was held on 5/12. Clerk Mary Alice has emailed the minutes to Middleton Members. There are some important announcements, so please check thy email or let us know if we need to resend.

We will be discussing the 8th and 9th Queries at Sixth Month Monthly Meeting.

8th Query:

Are we faithful to Christ’s command to avoid swearing oaths? Are we watchful for and faithful to Christ’s promptings to share with others our testimony against the use of oaths? Do we avoid gambling and speculation based on the principles of chance?

9th Query:

Are we sensitive to the problems of family living? Do we offer counseling to couples both before and after marriage? How are we helping individuals, married couples and family units to strengthen and enrich their lives?

Please visit Ohio Yearly Meeting's website for announcements and virtual events: https://ohioyearlymeeting.org/


Living A-Top of the World

I picked up the booklet "Living A-Top of the World" by Charles P. Morlan at Middleton Meeting last year. It is a booklet that I read through in entirety and now continue to re-read sections as part of my daily devotions. One passage recently stood out to me. I thought I would share it:

"But what must we do to possess this dynamic faith? We must first choose to want it. ' Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness' for they shall be filled.' Faith is a quality which we use constantly in the activities of everyday living.". I hope this gives readers something to ponder on this beautiful day. 

Information about  Ohio Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Conservative) can be found here: OYM or https://ohioyearlymeeting.org/. Better yet,  join us in person for worship on Fifth Day (Thursday) at 3pm and/or on First Day (Sunday) at 10:30am.


Affiliate Member of Middleton Meeting